autumo autumo

autumo enterprise products
Software built to excel.

ifaceX Downloads

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Software Packages

autumo ifaceX 2.1.0 - Trial version


  • In order to execute autumo ifaceX, you need Java,:
    OpenJDK 11+ or Java 11+.
    Our suggestion: Azul Zulu Build of OpenJDK.
  • You can also install a Azul Zulu build of OpenJDK using the provided «install_java» script or batch file.
  • See also INSTALL.txt after download for more info.

autumo ifaceX Studio 2.1.0

All ifaceX Studio Native Installers for Windows, macOS and Linux are now hosted on GitHub.


  • In order to install the autumo ifaceX Studio, you might have to outsmart Microsoft's Defender and Apple's Gatekeeper.

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