autumo autumo

autumo enterprise products
Software built to excel.

Purchasing ifaceX


Choose your license - see below for more details. Make sure you try the ifaceX trial version first and check the public documents in the download section. The ifaceX Studio for creating interface processor configurations (IPCs), testing and more can also be downloaded for free.

We recommend that you use a general and non-personal company email address, e.g. «», when registering your Enterprise Edition and making a purchase with PayPal.

Basic Edition

1 Interface Processor

CHF 1'200.00 (excl. VAT)

Advanced Edition

5 Interface Processors

CHF 3'600.00 (excl. VAT)

Professional Edition

10 Interface Processors

CHF 6'000.00 (excl. VAT)

Enterprise Edition

Unlimited IPs and Deployments

Support Included

After purchase you will receive an email with your license, then proceed with the chapter «Installation» and «Registering ifaceX» as described in the ifaceX manual from the customer protected area. If you do not have an account, you must first register to download the ifaceX Manual; please read the instructions in the license email.

Note that it may take some time to obtain the license. If for any reason you do not receive a license by email, please contact us!

License Overview

In the following table, you see an overview of all autumo ifaceX licenses. You can purchase every license online except the Enterprise Edition License. If you are interested in the Enterprise Edition, contact our sales at: .

Amount of Interface Processors 1510unlimited
Client Area Access (Documents, Tools, Updates, etc.)
ifaceX Studio
ifaceX Studio Manual
Quickstart Guide
Extended Setups Manual
Developer Guide & Reference
IfaceX Developer Project
Pre-Configured IPC Template Set
Additional IP Reader/Writer Package For Clouds
Bugfix Releases 0.0.Z
Minor Releases 0.Y.0
Major Releases X.0.0
Maintenance & Support included

Pricing & Terms

The Enterprise Edition license is subject to an annual fee in addition to the base price. Furthermore, a specific license agreement with separate terms and conditions is concluded when purchasing the Enterprise Edition.

EditionBase Price
(excl. VAT)
Annual Fee
(excl. VAT)
Basic Edition with 1 Interface Processor CHF 1'200.00
Advanced Edition with 5 Interface Processors CHF 3'600.00
Professional Edition with 10 Interface Processors CHF 6'000.00
Enterprise Edition License with unlimited Interface Processors CHF 9'600.00CHF 2'400.00[1b]

# Term
1a The number of Interface Processors (IPs) applies to the entire organization regardless of how many vCores, CPUs, autumo ifaceX instances etc. are used or how many users are using the product. It means a virtual representation of the computing power in a single instance of autumo ifaceX that reads and writes data from one endpoint to another. The number of all total IPs used in one or more instances of autumo ifaceX is a metric of a specific license. With the Enterprise Edition there is no limit to the number of IPs.
1b For more than 3 deployments (e.g. data center with possibly several deployments), the annual fee is calculated and agreed individually on the basis of the estimated support costs and can be adjusted annually, taking into account a solution that is appropriate for both parties. A single deployment corresponds to an installation of ifaceX on a virtual or logical machine.
2 Basic, Advanced and Professional Editions do not include support; assistance and support costs are covered separately. Enterprise Edition includes 5 x 8 hours support with a ticketing system and 24 hours response time. Additional requirements can be met individually.
3 Generally, any order is subject to autumo's terms and conditions (autumo Products General License) and to a specific license agreement when purchasing the Enterprise Edition as well as to autumo's privacy policy.
4 If you want to upgrade between the different editions, you only pay the difference.
5 autumo offers support for project setup, Interface Processor Configurations (IPCs) and architectural requirements within a project on a consulting basis at an hourly rate of CHF 180.00.
6 Training can be supported with a daily rate of CHF 1440.00 (8 hours).
7 autumo may change the prices/fees charged to you for autumo ifaceX at any time, provided that, for subsequent renewals of Software/Support Services (Enterprise Edition), the change will not take effect until the end of the then-current current billing cycle of your subscription. autumo will provide you with advance notice of any change in prices/fees. Price/fee changes are only made when the scope of the software changes drastically or when economic conditions change.
8 All license fees are payable in advance.
9 In Switzerland you pay an addition sales tax (VAT/MWST). For questions on sales tax (VAT) applying in other countries, please contact us.

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